| Life is the art of drawing without an eraser |

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Playing with the concept of time...

Initially when I was presented with the concept of time I had no idea where to begin, but then I began to think of the seemingly negative aspect of time: the tole that time takes on life. In relation to the effects of time I began to think about things that quickly decay and fall apart such as fruit or vegetables. I was reminded of a painting assignment I did last year in which I had to paint an array of vegetables. The vegetables did not remain the same thus complicating the piece. I'm liking this idea of time because of the obvious evidence of time.

However, while I was reading "It's Not About Me" by Max Lucado I was struck by a contrasting concept of time...the unchanging aspect. Time is consistent and reliable as we are able to count on 1:10 pm coming again tomorrow without fail, just as the sun rises and the sun sets everyday without fail. Similarly, God is unchanging, he is our fortress (Psalm 59:16-17) and his word will stand forever (Isaiah 40:8). Although, despite the unchanging consistency of time, there is a strong element of change amidst it's reliability because a perfect moment in time can never again be recaptured. Despite the fact that it may be 1:10pm tomorrow, ultimately it will never again be the same. We can never regain a particular moment, we just can't help it. However, we can turn to God who is essentially time as he is the consistency as with him "there is no variation or shadow due to change" (James 1:17). So our days may change, our lives may change, but time (and God) is ultimately the continual driving force of our lives.... After reading this chapter ideas began flooding as I suddenly changed gears from the change of time to the unchanging component that still has a changing aspect? I am currently faced with this dichotomy and uncertain of how to approach it or even if I can transform my ideas into a piece of art? I was thinking of photographing a clock at the same moment of every day to show the consistency, but I am uncertain at this point how to incorporate the still changing aspect of it. I may not find a way to transpose my ideas...they may remain ideas within my head. But I feel that this idea could become interesting and would get people thinking...I just have to figure out how!

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