| Life is the art of drawing without an eraser |

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Disappointment followed by a final idea....

Well I went on the hunt for the clocks that I had my heart set on, but unfortunately I was unsuccessful! But for some reason I can't pull myself away from this idea so I am going to turn to another idea, or another approach to capturing this rather. My plan is to photograph 3 different types of wall clocks that are all set at the same time. Then, I am going to alter them with Photoshop to give them the sort of Andy Warhol effect with his use of colour etc., which gives a modern twist to the issue of time too as our society today as become so dependent on time as it controls every aspect of our busy, hectic lives. Our lives are controlled by the continual routine of time. We are continually looking at our clocks to determine where we have to be at every minute of every day. So with this piece I guess I am incorporating many aspects of time into one composition.

Just a side note: in cohesion with the idea that time is a consistent continuum, and yet it continues to change as we never regain certain moments kind of relates to what we artists try to do. We tend to capture these moments in time so we can try to experience them again in attempts to break free from the routines of time.

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