| Life is the art of drawing without an eraser |

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ART324 | Exercise #1 | Collage

The requirements of this project where to create one collage using actual magazines, paper and newspaper and then scanning it into Photoshop and then to create a second collage in Photoshop using found digital images. The purpose is to see the difference between scanning in material--how various textures etc. look once scanned onto the computer--versus using digital images themselves. I chose to go with the theme of cities and "city life." The second collage incorporates both found images as well as images that I took during my visit to New York a couple of years ago. I thought I would change the images themselves a bit using various adjustments and colours, which cannot be done with actual cutout images, therefore I thought I would play around with the flexibilities and possibilities of Photoshop.

Collage #1
Collage #2 - done in Photoshop

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