| Life is the art of drawing without an eraser |

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The tedious graphic work...

Now that I have collected the majority of my clocks (approx. 100 so far) I am on to the arduous task of manipulating the photos in attempts to achieve a Warhol-like effect. So far I have spent a large amount of time trying to find the best way to achieve the effect that I want. I've been playing with different methods, tools and procedures. I have come up with two different approaches both that I am undecided about. The first method I used the threshold tool and then selected the similar with the magic wand. This has created lines that are very definite with restricted detail as threshold doesn't pick up everything, but just the darker areas. For example:

The second method that I am looking at does not require the threshold tool, but rather I desaturated the photo to make it black and white and then used the magic wand tool. This method resulted in a more detailed effect, more photographic with a variety of values. For example:

I am uncertain as to which one to use because Warhol seems to use both effects. His portraits often contain more detail while his objects have less detail. Such as these dollar signs:

So if anyone has any suggestions or ideas as to what to do that would be greatly appreciated!

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